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Timing Is Everything

It's been a tough few weeks' for us at the office. Our workshop facilitator was under the weather, then our team went through an assortment of flu's, vacations approved for holidays, venue hours changing... what a whirlwind to get to Saturday Dec. 6th. Nonetheless, we're here, we've made it, and we're present. Hello December, and good morning to all! ^_^

December is probably our favorite month because out of all 52 weeks of the year, only these 4 weeks can bring this electrifying amount of excitement, joy, laughter, sense of community, love, praise, religious celebrations, amount of snow, and togetherness with family and friends. Thus, we kick off December with how timely it is, and how with timing; everything is impacted.

We had the luxury of participating this past week in our friends' engagement proposal. Originally asked in Honolulu, we had five days to submit our video to Oklohoma City, in time for our amazing and thoughtful friend, Reid to propose to Annie. With over 100 videos from family and friends from all over the world, how could anyone else's Black Friday have gotten any sweeter of a deal? We're still waiting for the complete video to be sent to us, but this was such a heart warming story of how with love in time, can touch so many and intertwine your story with everybody else's story. For Laws of Luxury, we were honored to be asked as a Canadian representative to share and celebrate their relationship from across the border. Although the clip was short, and the editing was sharp; the timing was simply perfect. Stay tuned for our upcoming interview/ video blog post to see the full proposal!

She said YES!
Happy Birthday Fiancé
Sweetest Friday

With that, leads to our next timely announcement, and that is our first workshop is finally in order! With the amount of teasers, and foreshadow from all those previous blog posts, on Dec.17th, 2014 from 7-9:30pm, if you and your friends are interested in DJing, and not entirely sure where to start first, we'll have the very amazing Edmonton Wedding DJ, David McBean, facilitate for you that evening at Off the Records (11315 - 106 Ave, Edmonton) the foundations to looking smooth, and feeling the groove! Admission is $15 per person, and all you will need is to bring your laptop (PC & Macs are welcome), light refreshments will be provided, and get ready to kickstart your holiday season!

DJ Mixer B&W

All right, with that we serenade you all through some lyrics, and sentiments, happy Saturday!

"December come to me, I hope I can see You not just in dreams..."

-Norah Jones, Song Lyrics of December

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