"Dream higher than the sky, and deeper than the ocean." -anonymous
December holidays swept us in with love, food, rest, and amazing company with friends and family well into January. That's when our 2018 story began with two suitcases, 24 days of bye bye winter weather, and open hearts for learning and developing!
One of the things that we don't normally share in our journey is the "work" that we do. It might come as a surprise to some that many of us who are a part of this team actually have a full time job outside of planning, or work two part time jobs that allow us time to get creative and plan these beautiful memories with you all. Despite working in the IT industry, commissioning interior design work on commercial & residential buildings, to lab work at the U of A, or mortgage advising in western Canada, our motto and mission has always been that 'passionate people will perform', and we have stood by this in every event we have ever organized and hosted.
While away from the business and event free, we soaked in the sun and the sea, collecting moments of inspiration from Los Angeles, San Francisco, Sunnyvale, Cupertino, Campbell, Palo Alto, San Jose, and Monterey Bay. This time was so important for us to reflect, re-engage, and re-assess why we do what we do, and how we can be even more intentional in our connections with our clients, and our vendor relationships.
Although we missed our monthly editorial shoot with fabulous yeg boss babes in January, we cannot wait to start the planning back up and hit the ground running for March! Why not February? Well...we might have a little surprise for February so stay tuned for that! ^_^
Thank you all again for your continued support, curiosity, and desire to learn more about us. We truly would not be able to do what we do if we did not have the support from each and every one of you reading this.
Much love, and inspiration sent your way! 💕
"All the creatures on this earth may be made from stardust, but we're the only ones who get to know it." -Ali Benjamin